1. Developer
  2. Becoming Data Provider


Becoming Data Provider

Anyone can submit prices to an existing oracle contract. You will need to stake a minimal amount of ETC in the Oracle contract, and submit prices during the price round.

An UI is available to manage your stake and rewards at sf.exchange.

However, to submit prices accurately and automatically, S&F provide a set of SDKs that can be hosted on your own infrastructure.


The SDKs are all open source and can be found on the releases page

Follow the instructions in the readme to install and run it.

Docker images are also available for each SDK. Docker Hub.

Crypto-currency oracle contract

  • ETC: 0x4AC635E92801e657F44BDEfcc7660Ea1431DF846
  • Mordor: 0x52E71673C5D687fA39A5Cdc9Aa5f2dF3D55b472d